Reflexive Video

Gun? is a readymade video built by it's viewers at Erik Gunneson's barbecue in Madison, WI on August 29, 1999. We ate grilled corn, slow roasted ribs, chocolate zucchini cake, salsa, salad, beer brats and beer.We did not buy a gun and are surviving the journey. Thanks all for the advice.

Reflexive videos are built by their audience.

  1. The first viewer doesn't have much to see, only the question and then themselves as they respond.
  2. The second viewer sees the response of the first viewer as well as their own.
  3. The third person sees response one followed by response two before adding their own comment.
  4. - Question - first - second - third - record fourth response -
  5. etc.

In this way the view grows from a series of responses, each informed by the discussion which preceeded. The viewer is an active participant, the audience is evolving.

Video Installation used to record Gun?


  • Camera (video & audio input)
  • on top of video monitor (display).
  • Keyboard - start sequence.
  • Mouse - end recording of response.
  • All leading to Power Mac G3 with
  • video capture card (Iomega Buz) controled by
  • a script using PreFab Player 1.5 and Applescript to script the playback and digitizing of video clips in Adobe Premiere.